Source: Mountain Xpress
Press Release: Conserving Carolina
Publish Date: October 8, 2018
Featuring: Carolina Memorial Sanctuary, Conserving Carolina
Carolina Memorial Sanctuary in Mills River offers a place for people to bury their loved ones or scatter their ashes, in harmony with nature. On Oct. 2, the sanctuary donated a permanent conservation easement to Conserving Carolina, which assures that this burial ground will remain a beautiful natural environment forever. The 11-acre sanctuary includes a wildflower meadow, woodlands, a creek that flows into the French Broad River, and a wetland.
The sanctuary uses green burial practices to ensure that bodies can go back to nature, in an environmentally friendly way. Bodies are buried without embalming chemicals, in a shroud or casket that will break down underground. Bodies are buried only three feet deep so plants’ roots can access the nutrients. After burial, wildflowers or trees grow back over the graves. In the case of cremation, the remains are amended to balance the pH of the soil. No bodies are buried near the stream or the wetland.