A Place for Life & Death

Conservation & Green Cemetery
Carolina Memorial Sanctuary is a living memorial sanctuary – changing with the seasons, flowing with fresh water and vibrant with ecological activity offering a powerful testament to your life or that of your loved one. Not only does the Sanctuary provide an important service to our community, it also protects the land against future development in a way that benefits the ecosystem. It is the true manifestation of ashes-to-ashes and dust-to-dust as natural burial practices support microcosmic activity that reinforce the soil and the cycle of life. Trails through the woods and creekside enable guests to visit their loved ones and find solace in the beautiful sanctuary.
At Carolina Memorial Sanctuary, our highest aim is to hold a compassionate space for all beings. This directs everything we do from how we tend to our dead, how we hold space for the living and grieving, and how we have celebrations. We approach all that we do with love and grace in the spirit of serving our community. North Carolina’s first Conservation Burial Ground, Carolina Memorial Sanctuary is open to all faiths for environmentally-supported burial.
Learn more about Conservation & Green Burial.
Conservation Site
Carolina Memorial Sanctuary is protected in perpetuity by a conservation easement. This ensures that the land will remain a conservation burial ground, protected from housing or other types of development. We are passionate about protecting and preserving the environment, and a major part of our resources are dedicated to land conservation and restoration. Learn more about our Conservation Projects.
Public Park
In addition to being a conservation and green cemetery, Carolina Memorial Sanctuary is a public park open every day from sunrise to sunset. The beauty and quiet offer a perfect environment for walks with friends and dogs, or for those who simply wish to enjoy a contemplative walk in nature. This beautiful Sanctuary is available to host memorial services, weddings, and other types of celebrations.
Get Directions to the Sanctuary, and see it yourself!
At Carolina Memorial Sanctuary, we are dedicated to education, aiming to help the community learn more about land conservation, natural burial, and death and dying.
Land Conservation
As a conservation site, the Sanctuary has ongoing conservation and restoration projects, which offer a great learning opportunity for students and the public. If you are an educator and are interested in using Carolina Memorial Sanctuary as a learning site, please contact us.
Death & Dying
When faced with death, it’s common to feel confused and overwhelmed by all of the decisions we need to make. In a culture that denies death, we often lack the tools or information we need to prepare for our own death or the death of a loved one. Carolina Memorial Sanctuary is passionate about informing people of their rights and options and helping them to take the necessary steps to plan for their own peaceful death. Please feel free to contact us any time with your questions and be sure to explore our website and blogs for more information related to death and dying.
For workshops on death and dying and to learn more about home funeral guidance, please visit our sister organization, Center for End of Life Transitions.
Presentations & Group Tours
If your organization or group is interested in a free onsite presentation about Carolina Memorial Sanctuary, conservation burial or green burial practices – please contact us. We can also do a combined presentation, talking about the Center for End of Life Transitions as well. And we’re always happy to do group tours of the Sanctuary!
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Learn More About:
- Our Team
- What is Conservation & Green Burial?
- Why Green Burial
- Conservation Projects
- Prices at Carolina Memorial Sanctuary
Carolina Memorial Sanctuary is a non-profit project of Anattasati Magga. Check out our sister organization, the Center for End of Life Transitions, which offers workshops and home funeral assistance.
We are a certified as a Conservation Burial Ground by the Green Burial Council; the highest standard of green burial certification. We are also one of the founding members of the Conservation Burial Alliance, which strives to promote and support conservation burial.

Join the Conservation Burial Movement
We’re on a mission to redefine death while preserving our natural environment.