Source: Mountain Xpress
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Publish Date: May 18, 2018
Our Director, Caroline Yongue, was recently interviewed for an article published by the Mountain XPress. Here is the start of the article:
Asheville resident Sharon Evans, 66, had an unexpected brush with death five years ago. “I was cooking dinner for my brother, who was going to come and visit me for a couple of days. He found me sitting in a chair saying, “I’m not doing well,” Evans says. “I don’t remember any of that.” Evans subsequently spent six days in a coma as a result of a severe allergic reaction to medication.
Although Evans had regularly confronted the issue of end-of-life care decisions with patients in her 30-year career as a hospice nurse, she says her own death had not been on the forefront of her mind. But at 42, she notes, she had the foresight to put her end-of-life wishes in writing, which turned out to be useful when her emergency occurred…
Read the full article.